Established in 1987 "Union Hall Smoked Fish" is a family business run by the Nolan family, Situated in the fishing Village of Union Hall.

About Us


Union Hall Smoked Fish, has upgraded its food production
facility following a BIM investment.
The €22,000 investment has been supported by BIM, with €9,200 coming from the Brexit
Processing Capital Support Scheme.
The scheme, which will deliver up to €45 million in funding to the Irish seafood
processing sector, is funded by the European Union under the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.
Through this Investment Union Hall Smoked Fish has upgraded their processing
equipment and enhanced the production facility so that it can further grow and expand the
business into new markets therefore creating extra employment in the coastal region of
West Cork.


Union Hall Smoked Fish is a family run business that has been operating from the local fishing village of Union Hall in West Cork for the last 30 years. It was originally established by "John Nolan" and his wife "Elmar". It is now managed by their son "Sean Nolan" and his wife "Siobhan" with "Elmar" still heavily involved in the day to day running of the business. 

We specialise in Farmed Smoked Salmon, Hot Smoked Salmon, Smoked Mackerel and Kippers which are brined then slowly oak smoked in the centuries old traditional manner in our Artisan Smoke House, by a family with Generations of expertise in the Fishing Industry. We also specialise in Smoked Salmon Pate and Smoked Mackerel Pate.

Union Hall Smoked Fish pride themselves in delivering prime fish by skilled artisans, with personal service by the Nolan family assured throughout.

View our range of Smoked Fish Products